Specialized recycling services

Tree Recycling

Aggregate recycling throughout the country

Tree Recykling Hero Image

Our recycling services

We are engaged in comprehensive recycling of aggregates and construction materials, using modern technologies and machines. We ensure the highest quality of recycled products.

Crushing of rubble and concrete

We provide services for crushing concrete, brick and other demolition materials. This allows us to recover valuable raw materials.

Aggregate sorting

We offer sorting of aggregates into different fractions from 4mm to 100mm. This allows us to obtain quality aggregates of a specific grain size.

Asphalt recycling

We carry out recycling of asphalt mixes at negative temperatures. The recovered asphalt granulate is a valuable material for reuse.

Mobile crushing

We have mobile crushers that allow us to provide recycling services directly at the construction site throughout the country.

Why Tree Recycling?

Environmental care

Through the recycling of aggregates and construction materials, we strive to reduce the consumption of natural resources and reduce the amount of waste.

Modern equipment

We use technologically advanced machines and devices for crushing, sorting and screening recycled materials.

Broad application

Recycled aggregates are perfect for use in road works, as base courses and as filling and bedding materials.

Cost savings

The use of recycled aggregates allows to save on the purchase of natural aggregates, as well as on the costs of their transport and disposal.

Tree Recycling in numbers

tons of recycled materials annually
successful recycling projects
years of industry experience

Most frequently asked questions

Are recycled aggregates as durable as natural ones?

Yes, recycled aggregates have very good strength parameters. They are thoroughly tested and screened to meet applicable quality standards.

What is the minimum amount of aggregate you can order?

We have no lower limit for orders. We fulfill both large aggregate deliveries for companies and smaller orders for individual customers.

What is the radius around Warsaw where you provide recycling services?

Thanks to our mobile crushers, we are able to carry out orders throughout the country. We have no problem reaching more distant locations.

Can you arrange transportation of recycled aggregates?

Of course. We have our own fleet of trucks adapted to transport aggregates and other bulk materials. We provide efficient delivery of your order.

Do you need recycled aggregates?

Contact us and we will present you with an attractive offer tailored to your needs. We guarantee the highest quality of products and recycling services.